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made for more

for the secular and the sacred

“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous!

Do not be terrified or dismayed (intimidated), for the

Lord your God is with you wherever you go.” - Joshua 1:9

About The Made For More

For the past eighteen years, God has been refining me, growing me and thankfully maturing me. May times I have wanted to “throw in the towel,” but through grit, determination and a desire to learn, I have managed to thrive instead of just surviving. I feel as if I am in my prime; or maybe a mid-life crisis. I am not sure, but what I am sure about is helping others to prosper and to allow God to use my gifts and talents to serve Him and others.


Mentorship is a concept that not many men trust in or feel compelled to go through the process. Our pride or maybe it’s just mine, prevents us from being taught or trained by another person. We tend to learn by just figuring things out or by failing miserably. There are many professions, still today, that an intentional apprenticeship is required before launching on your own. Even after almost two years of study and hands on training, barbers have to do a one year apprenticeship before they can cut hair unsupervised. Plumbers and electricians and even doctors have to participate in being “mentored” before starting their personal journeys. I have found that mentoring and being mentored has invaluable return. The older I get, the more I understand the value of not being the smartest person in the room or around the table. I have discovered that I have room to grow and that I am not even close to arriving at my fullest potential.


I have learned how not to lead and am continuing my journey in how to properly lead and to help other leaders lead. I by no means know it all, but I want to impart to others what God has strategically taught me. I want you to win and to win big. I want you to be all that God has called you to be and some. I want to give you what I have learned, for the past fifty years of living and over eighteen years of navigating my call to ministry. I haven’t always been in the “sacred” place, so I understand the “secular” space. I would be honored to mentor you, for a season, and to encourage you, help to steer you, and empower you even more on your journey as a leader. It’s in you and I want to help call out the deeper things you may be afraid to tackle. I am a John Maxwell certified leader, coach and speaker. I have been in full-time pastoral ministry for eighteen years, and I planted a church ten years ago. I currently lead a staff of almost twenty people and a large and growing congregation, in New Bern, NC.

Mentorship Investment: $100 for 6 sessions

This mentorship includes a free copy of "Tone Setters" book written by Jason Smith

Over the course of six sessions, there will be intentional and purposeful time for instruction, teaching and conversations. We will uncover leadership topics so that you are more equipped, more prepared and have even more courage to lead. Whether you’re at the professional level or the novice level, you will be able to use these leadership tools to better serve you and those you lead. I am stoked that you would even consider allowing me to walk with you and help to guide you into your calling, as a leader. In addition, you will not be alone. You’ll find yourself a part of a vibrant, supportive community that will foster a deep sense of belonging, where you can share, learn, and grow in your faith. Don’t let this pass you by. I encourage you to take this opportunity to invest in YOU, your leadership, your family and especially those you lead. This is a timeless investment that will begin to build the legacy you so desire to leave.

Due to the intimate nature of this program, limited spots are avaliable.

7:00 PM













Begin your journey!

Please complete the following form to register a spot in the Made For More Mentorship.

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Thank you for registering for the Made For More Mentorship! I will be in touch shortly regarding next steps and further details.

"If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader."
John Quincy Adams

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